Fig. 52 — Archive Screen
Select the Archive Now checkbox to archive the program. A blue
check mark appears in the box to indicate the process is running.
The archiving process should take less than 30 seconds to com
plete. The blue check mark then disappears. Also, the red Archive
Valid LED bar (located on the top right corner of the controller)
will turn off, then light up when the archive process is complete.
The controller checks the memory configuration of the program
during power up. If the program is identified as corrupt, the con
troller restores it from the last archive. The LS-1628 requires a
backup of the current setup when changes are made. This is done
through the Equipment Touch 2.
The factory or field archives can also be manually restored in the
Creating a Field Archive
To create a field archive (Factory Download File), follow these
It is recommended doing this prior to any Restore and after any
Change to controller settings.
1. From the Home screen on the Equipment Touch 2, press the
Setup button. (Factory password will be required.)
2. Press the Misc Setup button on upper left of layout.
3. Press the Archive button.
4. There will be two check boxes on the Archive screen:
a. Backup Memory
b. Restore Memory
5. Select the check box on the Backup Memory. Once checked,
the backup is automatic and will take about 30 seconds. You
will see a date stamp below the check box once complete.
6. You have successfully created a Backup Archive.
Restore Factory Archive
To restore the factory archive, follow these steps:
1. Power down the controller.
2. Turn the rotary address switches to 8-1-1 (LS-1628 has 3
rotary dials for address).
3. Turn on power.
4. SYS led will light blue/white, wait 10 seconds and turn
power to controller back off (Communication to EQ2
might show “Loss of Communication” this is normal.)
5. Turn the rotary address back to 0-0-2 or whichever field
address is required for communications.
6. Turn power back on. SYS light will flash blue for 30 seconds
and then turn green. EQ2 communication will restore and
might update depending on archive.
Restore Field Archive
To restore a Field archive (Factory Download File), follow these
We recommend doing this prior to any restore and after any
change to controller settings.
1. From the Home screen on the Equipment Touch 2, press the
Setup button. (Factory password will be required.)
2. Press the Misc Setup button in upper left of layout.
3. Press the Archive button.
4. You will have two check boxes on the Archive screen:
a. Backup Memory
b. Restore Memory
5. Select the check box on the Restore Memory – once
checked, the Restore is automatic and will take about 30
seconds. This can be verified on the SYS LED as it will
blink blue. You will see a date stamp below the check box
once completed.
NOTE: the first time the controller is restored using
Restore check box, the date stamp will show XX/XX/
1899, this is normal and will set to current date upon a sec
ond Restore.
Test Mode
The test mode screen (
) is a feature that has
been added to 62X units with Revision H controls. Test mode can
be used during unit start up or troubleshooting. Using the Equip
ment Touch screen, the user can manually enable a combination of
subsystems for a limited amount of time. Each subsystem has its
own screen allowing for control and sensor feedback display. See
Fig. 53 for the test mode dependency tree.
Test modes include:
• Outdoor Air Damper; Activated with Main Test Mode
• Supply Fan
• Energy Conservation Wheel (in the Test [Cooling] screen)
• Exhaust Fan
• Cooling (DX only)
• Heating (HP and Gas/Elec)
• Hot Gas Reheat
• Sub Cooling
Fig. 53 — Test Mode-Dependency Tree
Creating a Field Archive before doing a restore.