© Carlo Gavazzi A/S
Power supply calculation (The number of sensors determine the size of the power supply)�
Always use double size power supply with power out on 28VDC� This is caused by the
pulsating output from the Dupline
Master Module, or DMM, GP34960005700� When using
28VDC/2,5Amp power supply, the installer can have 60 sensors and 120 sensors when
using 28VDC / 5Amp power supply�
Programming of sensors must always be in consecutive order and starting from A1� (Always
start from A1 in each new segment� This is a demand according in using the Dupline
ing Guidance System software)� The calibration channel is P1�
Design of the placement of sensors, indicators, cable trays and cabinets�
If the ceiling is taller than 4 m(13�2 feet) it is important that the sensor is lowered using a
ceiling mount�
The sensor must be mounted <=5° in relation to the floor�
Phase 4: Linking the Segments to the L2 Bus
L2 bus must be connected to all CPM (Car Park Monitor) modules in the system�
Max� 50 pieces of the GP34829091 on a branch on the L2 bus if the same L2 bus is up to
500 m(1650 feet) or 500 CPM modules in total� See scheme below�
Power supply calculation (The number of CPM modules determine the size of the power
supply)� Using 28 VDC / 2�5 Amp power supply, the installer can have 150 CPMs� Using 28
VDC / 5 Amp, the installer can have 300 CPMs on the L2 bus�
Placing the DMM (Dupline
Master Module) in center on the L2 bus to have a uniform load�
Use G34960005700 on the L2 bus�
Fig. 3: Example of approved/not approved cable length