CP3 version 3003
Determination of Lane, Line and Position
We use the terms
Lane, Line, Position
to determine the logistics of the carpark sensors in a carpark
The word
in our description refers to the physical lane in a real carpark. It can be a long lane or
a short lane and can consist of few or many sensors
The word
is a technical term for a string we use together with the lane. A lane can have several
lines with up to maximum 50 sensors each. The lines can go in different directions from the
generator, like a star connection
The word
is the placement of the sensors in each line
In the schematic drawing below is shown an example of a generator connected to several lines. The sensors
are all named pos.1, pos.2 etc. on each new line. Just like in the software where the sensors will be named
1,1,1 – 1,1,2 etc. Lane 1, Line 1 and position 1 and so on.
We can connect 90 Carpark sensors to a generator and maximum 50 sensors on a line.