AH-13-01-R8 (09/2022)
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No. 2 Handgun Bells
Do Not Soak the No. 2 Handgun Bells in any solvent. Soaking
will deteriorate the bell’s performance and void warranty.
Comprehensive testing conducted on the No. 2 Handgun
bells has determined the effect of cleaning bells in different
solvents. The following will serve as a guideline for solvents
selected for cleaning No. 2 Handgun bells.
• No. 2 Handgun bells should never be soaked in any
solvent. Soaking will effect the electrical properties of
the bell and produce poor spray performance. Soaking
will also void any warranty of the bell.
Cleaning of the No. 2 Handgun bell with any of the
following solvents will have a harmful effect on the bell’s
• Methyl Ethyl Ketone [MEK] (141-78-6)
• Acetone (67-64-1)
• Methylene Chloride (75-09-2)
• “Lacquer Thinner”
• “Epoxy Reducers” that contain Ketones
• Some solvent blends containing Glycol Ether will not ef-
fect the electrical conductivity of the No. 2 Handgun bell,
but do cause a problem with pattern size, Glycol Ethers
leaves a conductive residue on the insulating hub of the
bell, which leaks voltage from the rim across the probe of
the bell. This results in an enlarged center hole pattern
and decreased atomization. Some of the solvents are:
• Butyl Cellosolve (111-76-2)
• Methyl Cellosolve (109-86-4)
• Ethyl Cellosolve (110-80-5)
Acetone has become a very popular solvent of
use because of it’s EPA status. This solvent should be
avoided when working with the No. 2 Handgun. It not
only effects the bell performance, but also has a very
low flash point (-20
C, -4° F). No. 2 Handgun bells
should NOT be cleaned in it and the use of coatings
containing Acetone should be avoided.
• To avoid problems with atomization and achieve the
maximum length of life for the bells, the solvents sug-
gested for cleaning (not soaking) are:
• Toluene (108-88-3)
• Xylene (1330-02-07)
• Mineral Spirits
• Solvesso-100
• Solvesso-150
It is not advisable to soak the No. 2 Handgun in solvent at
any time. Most of the components of the gun are designed
to withstand exposure to many different solvents. There are
components within the gun that will not withstand solvent
exposure and will be destroyed by such exposure. This
manual will advise when it is safe to clean components
with solvent.
Paint residue can be cleaned from the external surfaces
of the gun with nonpolar solvents and solvents that do not
leave a conductive residue on the surfaces. Solvents safe
for cleaning the gun surface are the same as those listed
in this manual under “Effects of Solvents - No. 2 Handgun
Bells”. If other solvents are required for cleaning, then that
cleaning should be followed with the listed solvents.
When working with any solvent, do it in a well ven-
tilated area away from any ignition sources. All heath
and safety guidelines recommended by the solvent
manufacturer must be followed.
The gun assembly should never be soaked in solvent.
If the gun is soaked in solvent, internal components
will be damaged. This could cause injury to personnel
and damage to equipment.