Chapter 7 Appendix
• Searching for the Printer
When the network utility is launched, it will automatically search for a printer but if the printer
is not detected perform a search for the printer.
From the main screen's [View] menu, click [Find Again] (or click
on the toolbar).
• Displaying Help
Displaying help will present an explanation of various network utility features and allow you
to confirm configuration methods.
From the main screen's [Help] menu, click [Help] (or click
on the toolbar).
• Displaying Version Information
From the main screen's [Help] menu, click [Version Information].
• Exiting the network utility
From the main screen's [Settings] menu, click [Exit Utility] (or click
on the toolbar).
Confi guring the Network
• Regarding the Network Confi guration Password
Changing the printer's network configuration requires a password. The default password is "admin".
To prevent people other than the network administrator from configuration, it is recommended to
change the default password at the time of purchase.