© CamRanger – Patent Pending
Any number of thumbnails can be selected by pressing a thumbnail, or all may be selected by
pressing “Select All” at the bottom of the window. Selected thumbnails will have a grey border
around them (as seen above, 2 images are selected). After selecting thumbnails they may either
be deleted or saved. The “Delete” button at the lower left will delete the associated images of
the selected thumbnails from the camera’s removable media when selected. The “Save” button
at the lower right will save all associated images of the selected thumbnails to the image
directory specified in the preferences. Images are saved regardless of format.
Images within the card contents view can be viewed by double clicking on the image. The
image will then appear in the main image view window.
Note that the thumbnails are presented in chronological order beginning with the most recent.
However, for Nikon they are grouped first by format, such that all JPG’s will be listed, then
TIFF’s, and finally RAW images.
When the “Control” view is turned on, the camera settings and image capturing options are on
the right hand side of the application. Turning the Controls view off, will hide these options.
Thumbnails of the images captured within the CamRanger session will continue to appear on
the upper portion of the screen, the main image view will show live view or captured images.
Image Only
When “Image Only” is selected, the advanced controls tab, camera properties, and camera
actions on the right hand side of the application are hidden. The thumbnails of images taken
within the CamRanger session will not appear on the upper portion of the screen.
When “Image Only” is not selected, the advanced controls tab, camera properties, camera
actions, and thumbnails are visible within the CamRanger application.