Actiheart Guide to Getting Started 5.1.11 (Feb 2020)
the case if you attempt to start a full waveform recording using an Actiheart 4,
because it is not capable of recording all three acceleration axes.
9.3 Setup and
From the main menu of the Actiheart software, specialist windows are available
for recording and analysing for a specific purpose. Note that there is not a
separate hardware recording mode specific to each one, more that the purpose
is to offer one or more appropriate recording modes together with the right
visualisation and measurement tools for that purpose.
Signal Test:
Designed for a simple short recording in order to check ECG pads
before a longer test. Requires waveform ECG and at least a single axis of
acceleration recording. Using an Actiheart 5, Full Waveform Mode.
IBI Monitoring:
Designed for capturing and measuring heart rate variability for
up to two weeks. Requires IBI recording, and activity data quantifying the amount
of movement each 15 seconds. Using an Actiheart 5, IBI Mode.
Long Term:
Designed for robustly capturing heart rate and movement data for
up to two weeks, without emphasis on individual IBIs. Requires heart rate
recording and activity data quantifying movement each 15 seconds. Using an
Actiheart 5, IBI Mode.
Full Waveform:
Designed for recording and visualising detailed movement
waveforms with three-axis acceleration, alongside ECG waveform view. With fast
zooming and scrolling from full recording length down to seconds of display at
once. Also supports display of Ah5 IBI mode data with reduced ECG
functionality. Requires three axes of acceleration recording. Using an Actiheart
5, Full Waveform Mode.
Sleep Analysis:
Alternative focus of the IBI Monitoring window, with specific
functions intended for sleep analysis. Note that these are published algorithms,