Actiheart Guide to Getting Started 5.1.11 (Feb 2020)
Once entered,
selecting ‘Next’ produces the final user details window:
This screen allows an estimate of the maximum heart rate and sleeping heart
rate to be entered. Neither of these are essential at this point. In general, all user
details can be modified after initial entry in order to facilitate more accurate
analysis at a later date.
The Maximum heart will only be used for an estimate of VO2Max to be made. It
will not affect energy expenditure estimates, HRV, or any other measurements
made using the software.
Sleeping heart rate is critical to accurate energy expenditure calculations during
daily living. The easiest way to collect accurate sleeping data is to wear the
Actiheart for at least one overnight recording, then use the “Set sleeping heart
rate” function in the Long Term analysis window to extract the measure from the
overnight Actiheart recording. However, it need not be set accurately in this
window right now, and will not affect the recording process
– only later analysis.
Once details are entered
, clicking ‘Next’ shows the message “Do you want to
save this user data?”. Selecting ‘Yes’ produces a confirmation message that the
new user has been saved correctly into the database.