Actiheart Guide to Getting Started 5.1.11 (Feb 2020)
You may enter an additional ‘Test ID’ (i.e. to identify this particular test for this
user). Note that the exact modes displayed in this window will depend on the
device connected.
Click the ‘Send’ button to write the setup information into the
Actiheart. You will see a confirmation message when this is complete.
The Actiheart MUST be removed IMMEDIATELY from the PC. Failure to do
so may lead to the Actiheart being unable to record in which case the setup
procedure would need to be repeated. It must not be reconnected to
charge until after the recording is complete.
Once the Actiheart is disconnected, it can be placed onto the user by clipping
onto the previously attached pads. To do this, you will first need to attach the
other electrode lead to the
Actiheart main body’s USB socket. The orientation for
this can be seen by ensuring that the “heart” symbol on the connector is facing
upwards when the Actiheart logo is also upwards.
After switching to the ECG connector lead, connect both clips to the ECG pads
attached to the chest. This is performed for each connector separately. First,
depress the small “button” to release the connector. While holding this
depressed, move it onto the ECG pad metal nipple. Once onto the nipple,
release the “button” and the Actiheart will grip the ECG pad. Note that no
physical “push” is required to connect the ECG pad – simply depress the button
first, then move it over the pad and release afterwards.
To remove the Actiheart from ECG pads, simply squeeze the small “button”
above the clip again. While holding it squeezed, lift the device clear of the ECG
pad. Then release the button. You can perform this for the main body of the
device and the lead connector one by one.
7.2 Downloading
Recorded Data
from the Actiheart
Once the subject has worn the Actiheart for the required length of time (making
sure that the subject has moved around to fully test pad contact), the data can
then be downloaded to the PC.
Disconnect the Actiheart from the ECG pads as described above by depressing
the button and gently lifting it off. Then reconnect the Actiheart to the PC using