Electronic Instrumentation
V2495/VX2495 User Manual rev. 1
Pattern Recorder Demo Description
Gate and Delay Demo Description
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List of Figures
Fig. 3.1: Main components and interconnections
Fig. 3.2: The UFPGA and GDG interface.
Fig. 5.1: On-board internal connectors and LEDs
Fig. 7.1: V2495 motherboard with mezzanine boards
Fig. 7.2: Multi-pin connector pin assignment
Fig. 7.3: CAEN A967 Cable Adapter
Fig. 7.4: Base Address on-board rotary switches
Fig. 7.5: User Firmware rotary switch
Fig. 7.6: Boot mode jumper for the Main FPGA
Fig. 8.1: V2495 hardware detection
Fig. 8.2: USB driver manual installation: Step1
Fig. 8.3: USB driver manual installation: Step2
Fig. 8.4: USB driver manual installation: Step3
Fig. 8.5: USB driver manual installation: Step4
Fig. 8.6: USB driver manual installation: Step5
Fig. 8.7: CAENUpgrader Get Firmware Release menu
Fig. 8.8: CAENUpgrader MFPGA Upgrade Firmware menu
Fig. 8.9: CAENUpgrader UFPGA flash memory image menu
Fig. 8.10: CAENUpgrader UFPGA Upgrade Firmware menu
Fig. 8.11: CAEN PLULib Demo application prompt
Fig. 10.1: Simplified scheme related to Tab. 10.5.
Fig. 10.2: Local bus signals at a write access (x8BADF00D is written on register x1800)
Fig. 10.3: Local bus signal at a read access (x8BADF00D is read from register x1800)