Electronic Instrumentation
DT5730/DT5725 User Manual rev. 2
WaveDump is a basic console application, with no graphics, supporting only CAEN digitizers running the default
firmware. It allows the user to program a single board (according to a text configuration file containing a list of
parameters and instructions), to start/stop the acquisition, read the data, display the readout and trigger rate, apply
some post-processing (e.g. FFT and amplitude histogram), save data to a file and also plot the waveforms using Gnuplot
(third-party graphing utility: www.gnuplot.info).
WaveDump is a very helpful example of C code demonstrating the use of libraries and methods for an efficient readout
and data analysis. Thanks to the included source files and the VS project, starting with this demo is strongly
recommended to all those users willing to write the software on their own.
Fig. 11.3:
CAEN WaveDump
CAEN WaveDump can operate with Windows and Linux, 32 and 64-bit OSs.
The program relies on the CAENDigitizer, CAENComm and CAENVMELib libraries (see §
). Linux users are required to
install the third-party Gnuplot.
Windows version of WaveDump is stand-alone (the required libraries are installed locally with the program),
while the version for Linux needs the required libraries to be previously installed by the user.
The installation packages can be downloaded on CAEN web site (
login required
) at:
Home / Products / Firmware/Software / Digitizer Software / Readout Software / CAEN WaveDump
The reference documents for installation instructions and program detailed description are
downloadable at the same page above, in the