Electronic Instrumentation
DT5730/DT5725 User Manual rev. 2
Acquisition Run/Stop
The acquisition can be started and stopped in different ways, according to bits[1:0] setting at register address 0x8100
and bit[2] of the same register:
SW CONTROLLED (bits[1:0] = 00): Start and Stop take place by software command. Bit[2] = 0 means
stopped, while bit[2] = 1 means running.
GPI CONTROLLED MODE (bits[1:0] = 01): If the acquisition is armed (i.e. bit[2] = 1), then Run starts when
GPI is asserted and stops when GPI returns inactive. If bit[2] = 0, the acquisition is always off.
FIRST TRIGGER CONTROLLED (bits[1:0] = 10): bit[2] = 1 arms the acquisition and the Start is issued on the
first trigger pulse (rising edge) on the TRG-IN connector. This pulse is not used as a trigger; actual triggers
start from the second pulse on TRG-IN. The Stop acquisition must be SW controlled (i.e. reset of bit[2]).