Electronic Instrumentation
DT5730/DT5725 User Manual rev. 2
Optical Link and USB Access
The board houses a USB2.0 compliant port, providing a transfer rate up to 30 MB/s, and a daisy chainable Optical Link
(communication path which uses optical fiber cables as physical transmission line) providing transfer rate up to 80
MB/s. The latter allows to connect up to 8 DT5730/DT5725 boards to a single A2818 PCI Optical Link Controller or up to
32 boards to a single A3818 PCIe Optical Link Controller. Detailed information on CAEN PCI/PCIe Controllers can be find
at www.caen.it:
Home / Products / Modular Pulse Processing Electronics / PCI/PCIe / Optical Controllers
The parameters for read/write accesses via optical link are Address Modifier, Base Address, data Width, etc.; wrong
parameter settings cause Bus Error.
Bit[3] at register address 0xEF00 allows to enable the module to broadcast an interrupt request on the Optical Link; the
enabled Optical Link Controllers propagate the interrupt on the PCI bus as a request from the Optical Link is sensed.
Interrupts can also be managed at the CAENDigitizer library level (see “Interrupt Configuration” in