Cactus RF60 series (see Section 12.5).
Quick Power Adjustment Mode <QUICK POWER
ADJ>: expanding the power adjustment to
1EV step (see Section 12.1.3)
The option can be conf igured in <SWAP
The LCD display of the V6 IIs can be
conf igured in the following ways:
1. LCD Backlight Auto Off: The LCD backlight
of the V6 IIs will turn on whenever
, the selection dial, or any of the
group buttons has been pressed or
turned. In order to conserve energy,
there is a timer setting that
automatically turns off the backlight.
In <BACKLIGHT TIME>, choose from <OFF>,
<5 SECS>, <15 SECS>, or <STAY ON>.
2. LCD Backlight Power: In <BACKLIGHT
POWER>, conf igure the brightness of the
LCD display from 1 to 9.
3. LCD Daylight Mode: Enable <DAYLIGHT
MODE> if you work under direct sunlight.
The LCD display will replace the
reversed fonts with black fonts on white
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