First set your kite face down, with the leading
edge into the wind, at 100
to 110
off of the
Secure the kite with sand or sand bags. Do not
secure kite with anything sharp or abrasive.
Next, wind your lines out from the kite to the place
from where you will launch the kite.
Before launching, re-familiarize yourself with your
Recon Release System with TAP OUT and the QR
System in the event that you must engage them.
Make sure you have them properly set up.
Next, thoroughly check your lines, your gear, and
your launching and landing sites; if all is okay,
you are ready to launch your kite.
Check to make sure your lines are connected
properly and are not twisted or crossed.
Once you have thoroughly checked your lines, your
gear, and your launching and landing sites, you
are ready to set your kite up for self-launch. Turn
the kite on its side, with the leading edge facing
into the wind. (Fig.1)
Fold the bottom wing tip (the one closest to the
ground) over onto the kite. Make the fold at the
first strut. (Fig.2)
Weigh this wing tip down heavily with sand or
sand bags. (Fig.3)
10. Make sure that the flying lines and bridles are
free and will not catch on the struts when you
11. Avoid packing the Recon Tension Fittings with
sand or debris that may affect their normal
12. Quickly walk back to your bar, walking upwind
and staying free of the kite lines.
13. If you are using the BYPASS™ Leash, attach it at
this time. If you are not using the BYPASS™
Leash, proceed directly to Step 14.
14. Put the Recon Release System in Launch mode.
15. Hook into your de-power loop, but be ready to
activate the Recon Release System with TAP OUT.
16. With the control bar in both hands and at chest
height, take a few steps back to take the slack
out of the flying lines.
17. This will release the sand or sand bags from the
wing tip of the kite. (Fig.4)
18. As you take a few steps backward and steer the
kite up into the sky, the kite will fill with wind and
begin to rise. (Fig.5)
19. SLOWLY steer the kite to the edge of the power
window. DO NOT make any abrupt motions. The
slower you steer the kite, the safer and the more
in control you will be. (Fig.6)
20. With the kite at the edge of the power window and
the wind at your back, walk slowly to the water's
edge, keeping in constant check with the kite. You
should know what the kite is doing at all times.
21. If anything goes wrong with the launch, you
should be ready to first utilize the Recon Release
System with TAP OUT, and second to utilize the
WARNING: the more wind there is during your launch,
the faster everything will happen. That is why it is
important that you launch the kite slowly and safely.
DO NOT set your kite up for self-launch and then wind
out your lines. Make sure your lines are laid out and are
correct before you set your kite in self-launch position.
The kite may launch accidentally while you are winding
out your lines.
Be sure your Recon Release System with TAP OUT is in
Launch mode.
TIP: Take special care to avoid packing the Recon
Tension Fittings with sand or debris that may affect its
normal operation.
When you are on the water and at a safe distance from
any obstacles, you may switch the Recon Release
System with TAP Out to Ride Mode. This will disable the
TAP OUT function. You must then manually shut down
or de-power the kite by moving the release plate in the
direction of the kite.