596 CyberSWITCH
ip rip send
forces an IP RIP update message to be sent
ip rip stats
displays IP RIP statistics
ip route
displays the current routing table
ip route <IP address>
displays the routing information for the indicated device
ip stats
displays or resets current IP related statistics
allows you to change the system’s default IP address
ipx diag <host>[timeout]
sends a diag packet to the specified host to confirm
connectivity; timeout value optional
ipx ipxwan clear
clears IPXWAN stats
ipx ipxwan stats <device>
displays system-level or device-level statistics
ipx ping <host>
sends an ICMP echo message to the specified host
ipx rip stats
displays IPX RIP statistics
ipx route
displays the current IPX routing table
ipx route stats
displays IPX routing table statistics
ipx sap stats
displays IPX SAP statistics
ipx service
displays routes to IPX services
ipx service stats
displays current service table statistics
ipx sap stats
displays IPX SAP statistics
ipx spoof stats
displays IPX spoofing statistics
ipx stats
displays IPX statistics
ipx trigreq <device>
generates a triggered RIP/SAP update request to the
specified device.
ipx trigrip stats
displays the triggered RIP statistics
ipx trigsap stats
displays the triggered SAP statistics
isdn usage
displays ISDN B-channel monitoring information
isdn usage clear
clears portion of ISDN B-channel monitoring information
lan stats
displays current LAN packet forwarding information
lan stats clear
clears current LAN packet forwarding information
lan test
tests for proper LAN connections
led status
allows you view snapshot of remote device’s LED