User Manual
their device, sort on Poll number using the Sort order... command from
the Network menu, the Network Inspector Speed menu or the toolbar.
Alarms generated by independently named channels display the name of
the channel, not the device, in the ‘Device name’ field of the Alarm Log
windows. However, if any one channel is ‘Alarmed’, the alarm symbol
flashes beside all the entries for the device and its channels in the
Network Inspector window.
8.4 Defining the Database
There are a number of guidelines you will need to observe when setting
up devices if you want PCNC to communicate with them. This is dealt
with in Chapter 9, Equipment setup.
8.4.1 Adding an entry
PCNC’s Network Database needs an entry for each network device.
Entries are added or modified using the Network Inspector window, so
make that the currently active window. To add a device, select the New
device... command from the Network menu, the Speed menu or the
toolbar. This brings up the New Network Device dialogue box.
This box allows you to enter the following information:
The type of device you are adding, ie its product name.
A unique Poll number to associate with that device. The device
must also be set up with the same number.
A unique name to assign to the device, eg ‘Stuttgart’.
You can also add comments about the device.
For devices that support these features, you can also define:
Whether the device is Remote or not, and if so, its ISDN number.
Names for the separate channels of the device.
Once you have filled this in, you can select OK and the definition goes
into the Network Database to be stored in PCNC.DAT. Continue adding
new devices in this way until you have a definition for all of them.
If you are using the SNMP Link, add the devices on the TCP/IP network
as though they were local devices.