1.1 This chapter
The CBU-NM is the product name for the Network Management software
known as ‘PCNC’. All references throughout in this manual are as
This chapter contains a brief description of what PCNC does and how it
does it. You do not need to read to this chapter if you are already
familiar with PCNC. If you do bypass this chapter, you can use the
Glossary to learn the meaning of unfamiliar terms.
1.2 Features of PCNC
PCNC provides:
A central site for monitoring and controlling a network.
Alarm processing to make alert messages more meaningful.
Alarm filtering to show only the information you want to see.
A record of all alarm information for examination at any time.
A clear picture of the current status of every device on the network.
Terminal emulation for direct communication with network devices.
A user-friendly interface to make network supervision easier and
more intuitive.