Alarms and Filters
Filters do not affect the operation of the Alarm Database, merely which
parts of it you see. All alarms remain in the database, even if they are
filtered and not visible in a window. Incoming alarms continue to be
added to the database and displayed in the Unacknowledged Alarms
window, regardless of filter settings.
NB: When you close a window, any modified filter settings will be lost.
The following diagram shows which filters can be applied to each
window. A ‘Custom Filter’ represents a user-definable combination of
Alarmed and Alarm type filters.
Alarms Window
Network Alarm
Log Window
Device 1 Filter
Custom Filter
Device 1 Alarm
Log Window
Device 2 Filter
Custom Filter
Custom Filter
Device 2 Alarm
Log Window
Alarm Filter only
Figure 3.2 - PCNC Filtering
3.8.1 Generic / Device Filters
Many of the alarms PCNC processes can be generated by more than
one type of device. You may be interested in certain alarm types only if
they are sent by a particular device. For example, you may wish to see
Connected alarm if it came from a KBU64, but not if it came from a