background image

Page 4

Button functions




Power On/ Off
Turn On/ Off
Scroll through lists
Select option
Return to previous menu
Volume up
Volume down

Switch the On/ Off switch
Hold the Play/Pause button for 3 second



Select button
M button
During playback press Select then press the 


During playback press Select then press the 



Play/ Pause tracks
Skip to the next track
Fast forward
Skip back to previous track
Fast rewind

Press the Play / Pause button
Press the 


Press & hold the 


Press the 


Press & hold the 



Play/ Pause a movie
Skip to next movie
Fast forward
Skip back to previous movie
Fast rewind

Press the Play / Pause button
Press the 


Press & hold the 


Press the 


Press & hold the 



Select image
Skip to next image
Skip to previous image

Select button
Press the 


Press the 


FM Radio

Skip 0.05MHz

Press either 





Press either 


 button to increase/ decrease zoom

Video Camera

Record/ Pause
Save recording

Select button
Press the ‘M’ button

Connecting to a PC

Once the unit is charged or during charging  you can 
copy files to the player.


 Follow steps 





‘Getting started’

 to connect the 

player to a pc/ laptop.


 Once connected the player will power up and present 

you with three options:- Power & Data 


the device & connect to a pc/ laptop)

 , Charge 

(Charge only)

 & Charge & Play 

(Use the device while 


. Select the 

‘Power & Data’

 option using 



 buttons and select by pressing the 





 When the unit is connected a hardware driver 

is automatically installed and the device is then 
available in the list of devices 

(Named CMP41_8G)

On some operating systems an auto play window will 
appear. Choose to take no action and click 


to close 

the window.


 Double click 

‘My Computer’



 on some 

operating systems. Look for 

‘Removable disks 

or storage’

 option and locate the device named 


 and double click.

NOTE: Do not disconnect the USB cable at any 
time when copying data to or from the device.

User instructions

Summary of Contents for CMP41DP

Page 1: ...Instruction Manual CMP41DS CMP41DP ...

Page 2: ...ze 7 Videoresume 7 Deleteavideo 7 Information 7 Photobrowser 8 Photofunctionmenu 8 Thumbnail Listview 8 Slideshow 8 FMradio 9 Autoscan 9 Storing removingpresetstations 9 Recallingpresetstations 9 Deleteapresetstation 9 FMrecordfunction 9 Recordquality 9 Recordgain 9 FMSensitivity 9 Tunerregion 10 Mute 10 Camera 10 Basiccameracontrols 10 Camerafunctionmenu 10 Videocamera 10 Basicvideocameracontrols...

Page 3: ...the following Donotbend stretchorpullthesupplycableinorder toavoidelectricshock Thesupplyvoltageshouldbethesameasthat indicatedinthetechnicalspecificationsandthe applianceratingplate ThisproductcomplieswithEuropeanlow voltage 2006 95 EC andelectromagnetic compatibility 2004 108 EC directives Care maintenance Careandcleaning Allcareandcleaningoperationsshouldbecarriedout withtheunitunpluggedfromthem...

Page 4: ...etonthebottomofthe unit Connecttheotherendofthecabletoalaptop pcusbinput poweronthepc laptop 3 Onceconnectedtheplayerwillpowerupandpresent youwiththreeoptions Power Data Charge thedevice connecttoapc laptop Charge Chargeonly Charge Play Usethedevicewhile charging Selectthe Charge optionusingthe buttonsandselectbypressingthe M button 4 Duringchargingyouwillseethechargeanimationin thetoprightcornero...

Page 5: ...z Presseither button Camera Zoom Presseither buttontoincrease decreasezoom VideoCamera Record Pause Saverecording Selectbutton Pressthe M button Connecting to a PC Oncetheunitischargedorduringcharging youcan copyfilestotheplayer 1 Followsteps1 2 of Gettingstarted toconnectthe playertoapc laptop 2 Onceconnectedtheplayerwillpowerupandpresent youwiththreeoptions Power Data Charge thedevice connecttoap...

Page 6: ...desiredlevelwhenplaybackhasstarted Music playback 1 Select MUSIC fromthemainmenu 2 Select atrackfromthe DirList oruseoneofthe filterstohelpyoulocatethealbum trackyouwishto play Pressthe SELECT buttontobeginplayback 3 Toskipthroughtheavailabletracksonthedeviceuse the buttons 4 Pressthe Play Pause buttontobeginplaybackof aselectedtrack Topauseplaybackpressthe Play Pause buttononcemore 5 Pressandholde...

Page 7: ...tsection 3 Theselectedaudiowillnowrepeatforthespecified amountoftimes seepoint4 A B repeat cont 4 Tospecifytheamountofrepeattimesselect Advanced fromtheaudiofunctionmenuandselect ReplayTimes Pressthe SELECT button 5 Usethe buttonstosetthenumberoftimes thereplayistorepeat Pressthe SELECT buttonto activate 6 Fromtheadvancedaudiofunctionmenuyoucan choose ReplayInterval tospecifythelengthoftime in betw...

Page 8: ...talltracks Shuffle Playtracksinarandomorder Scan speed Specifythespeedatwhichthefastforward fastrewind scanfunctionsoperate 1 Select ScanSpeed andpressthe SELECT button 2 Usethe buttonstoincreaseordecreasethe scanspeedfrom 1X 2X 3X 4X 3 Pressthe SELECT buttontostorethesetting Add a tag Similartoaplaylistyoucantagmultiplevideosto appearinthe taglist onthevideofiltermenu 1 Select AddTag andpressthe SE...

Page 9: ...tion Thisfunctiondisplaysinformationforthecurrentphoto 1 Select Information andpressthe SELECT button Thumbnail List view 1 Toviewthe DirList inathumbnailformatselect ScanMode fromthemainPHOTOmenu 2 Select ListMode or Thumbnail andpressthe SELECT buttontostorethesetting Slide show Shouldyouwishtoviewallimagesinaslideshowfollow thebelowsteps 1 Select aphotofromthe DirList youwishtoviewand pressthe ...

Page 10: ...e buttonstocyclethroughthestoredstations 2 Alternativelyyoucanpressandholdthe M button andselect ChannelList 3 Selectachannelandpressthe SELECT buttonto activate Delete a preset station 1 Ensureyouarein channelselectionmode Select thechannelyouwishtodelete 2 Pressandholdthe M buttonandselect Delete channel FM record function 1 Whenyouhavetunedastationpressandholdthe M button 2 Select FMRecord TheF...

Page 11: ...roroutdoor Sticker photo Choosefromanumberofpresetfunbackgroundsto enhanceyourportraitphotos Special effect Choosefromthreecoloureffectsof Black White SepiaorNegative Resolution Specifytheresolutionofphotographssavedtothe internalmemory Memory free space Displaystheavailablefreespaceontheinternal memory Self timer Setashuttertimedelayinseconds Continuous shooting Whensetthecamerawillcontinuetotake...

Page 12: ...ook Followthebelowstepstoviewtextdocuments 1 Select TOOLS fromthemainmenu Andthenselect EBOOK fromthetoolsmenu 2 Selectatextdocumentfromthe DirList oruseone ofthefilterstohelpyoulocatethetxtfileyouwishto view Pressthe SELECT buttontobeginviewing 3 Toskipthroughthepagesofthedocumentusethe buttons 4 Pressthe SELECT buttontoswitchtoautopage viewingmode Thisfunctionwillautomaticallyskip pagesaccordingto...

Page 13: ...s oncemoretopauserecording 3 Whentherecordingisfinishedpressthe M button tosavethefile Ifyouareaskedtostoptherecording selectYes Audio recorder function menu 1 Pressandholdthe M buttontodisplaythemenu Record format Selecttheformattherecordingsaresavedin Choose fromWAV MP3orWMA Record quality SelecttherecordingqualityfromLow medium high Record gain Settherecordgainlevelfrom1 5 Stopwatch 1 Select TOOL...

Page 14: ...listeningtoaudioorwatchingavideoyoucan allocateatimertoswitchtheunitintostandbymode Setthetimedurationyouwishtheplayertoswitchoff Date time SetDate Usethe Play Pause buttontocyclebetweenDay Month Year The buttonsadjustthedigits Settime Usethe Play Pause buttontocyclebetweenHour Minutes The buttonsadjustthedigits Language Selecttherequiredlanguagefortheinterface Advanced Information Displayssystemi...

Page 15: ...ncopied totheinternalmemory Theearphoneshavenotbeen connectedcorrectly Increasethevolume PressthePLAY PAUSEbutton Follow ConnectingtoaPC instructionsonpage4ofthismanual Insertthe3 5mmearphonepluginto theearphonesocketontheMP3 player Soundisdistorted Volumeistoohigh Reducethevolume Technical specifications PowerSupply 240mAh 3 7V Dimensions 95x42x9 4mm Weight 44g Capacity 8GBinternalflashmemory Suppo...

Page 16: ...antee does not cover accidental damage misuse cabinet parts knobs or consumable items The product must be correctly installed and operated in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual It must be used solely for domestic purpose The guarantee will be rendered invalided if the product is re sold or has been damaged by inexpert repair Specifications are subject to change without notic...
