Regulations, Guidelines, Safety
Regulations, Guidelines, Safety
3.2.6 Pressure Compensating Tank for Drinking Water
In combination with a drinking water reser-
voir, a membranous pressure compensat-
ing tank that has been approved for filtering
domestic-use water to drinking water is re-
quired. This tank should have ample space
and must be installed externally in accord-
ance with TRWI regulations. The size of the
tank is dependent upon the volume of do-
mestic-use water reservoir.
Fig. 7 Pressure Compensating Tank for
Drinking Water
3.2.7 Pressure Compensating Tank for the Heating System
On the heater side, a membranous pres-
sure compensating tank is required. This
tank should have ample space and is to be
installed externally. The size of the tank is
dependent upon the volume of heating sys-
tem’s water reservoir as well as the temper-
ature requirements.
Fig. 8 Pressure Compensating Tank for the
Heating System
Setting the primary pressure of the pressure compensating tanks to the
respective static levels is required and may only be performed by a li-
censed professional.
3.2.8 Water Deficiency Safety Fuse
A minimum circulation rate of 360 l/h is required. Furthermore, a water pressure
sensor makes sure that at a system pressure of 0.6 bar, the system automatically
shuts down. As soon as the water pressure returns to above 0.6 bar, the unit
will turn itself back on automatically.
3.2.9 High Temperature cut out
The unit has a temperatur cut out with a melting fuse. This safety guard is only a pro-
tection against burning out of the heat exchanger. If this fuse is blown out, the com-
plete heat exchanger has to be changed, because the baffle plate within, is most
probably damaged.
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Gebr. Bruns GmbH
Hauptstraße 200
26683 Saterland
Tel.: + 49 (0) 44 92 / 92 46-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 44 92 / 71 41