Malfunctions and Errors
Malfunctions and Errors
7.2.2 Locking Codes
The boiler controller also recognises errors that may lead to the heating demand
lockup, but does not recognise errors that may lead to a shutdown. If the error is re-
solved, it disappears, but will be recorded in the error log. The descriptions of these
codes are as following:
Central heating sensor is not within normal
parameters (short circuit). If the NTC-
sensor is not within normal parameters and
remains in this state for longer than 10 sec.,
a warning will be displayed. If the sensor
returns to normal parameters, the warning
disappears. The warning causes the sys-
tem to shut down. Heating demands are
Check the supply sensor and replace the univer-
sal sensor as needed.
Central heating sensor is not within normal
parameters (line error). If the NTC-sensor is
not within normal parameters and remains
in this state for longer than 10 sec., a warn-
ing will be displayed. If the sensor returns
to normal parameters, the warning disap-
pears. The warning causes the system to
shut down. Heating demands are deactiv-
Check the supply sensor and replace the univer-
sal sensor as needed.
Domestic warm water sensor is not within
normal parameters (short circuit). If the
NTC-sensor is not within normal paramet-
ers and remains in this state for longer than
10 sec., a warning will be displayed. If the
sensor returns to normal parameters, the
warning disappears. The warning causes
the system to shut down. Heating demands
are deactivated.
Check the reservoir sensor. If no reservoir
sensor is connected, check the resistance on the
end plate and replace as needed.
Domestic warm water sensor is not within
normal parameters (line error). If the NTC-
sensor is not within normal parameters and
remains in this state for longer than 10 sec.,
a warning will be displayed. If the sensor
returns to normal parameters, the warning
disappears. The warning causes the sys-
tem to shut down. Heating demands are
Check the reservoir sensor. If no reservoir
sensor is connected, check the resistance on the
end plate and replace as needed.
This error is caused by the electrical supply
being too low (less than 185 V alternating
Check the electrical current. If the electrical sup-
ply returns to normal, the error will disappear
within 10 sec.
The power frequency shows a deviation of
more than +/- 5 %.
Check the power frequency. If the power fre-
quency returns to normal, the error will disappear.
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Gebr. Bruns GmbH is not responsible for typographical errors or technical inaccuracies and reserves the right to make adjustments.
Gebr. Bruns GmbH
Hauptstraße 200
26683 Saterland
Tel.: + 49 (0) 44 92 / 92 46-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 44 92 / 71 41