Mounting / Installation
Mounting / Installation
Start up
After successfully ventilating and dejamming the unit, it will start in drinking water
mode (if available); otherwise it will start in hot water mode. To start in hot water
mode or in drinking water mode, the unit requires a certain level of heat. This can be
done by opening the thermostats on the radiators. If an error occurs during the start
up phase, it will be shown on the display (see error code list).
5.4.1 Performance of the Unit Test Routine upon Start up
After turning on the unit, a manual reset of every 12/24 hours, the control unit will
perform a start up test routine. The 12/24 hour reset is dependent upon whether or
not the heating demands require it.
No heating demands:
The control unit will reset every 12 hours
Heating demands:
The control unit will reset every 24 hours
During the start up test routine, the three-way valve, if there is one, is switched to
drinking water heating mode and directly after back to central heating mode, regard-
less of the previous position of the valve. This way, one complete pass is made by
the valve, which keeps the valve from seizing. The circulation pump is also turned on
during the test routine.
(Pre) Setting the Boiler
5.5.1 CO
Boiler Settings
The unit must be in chimney sweep
mode (Ch. 6.3.8) when setting the CO
The amount of CO
in the unit can be set
with the adjusting screw on the gas
With liquid gas, the starting load must be
change from 50% up to 60%.
The CO
– content must lie between the following levels, regardless of load:
Gas Type
Natural Gas
8,5 – 9,0 %
Liquid Gas
10 – 10,5 %
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Gebr. Bruns GmbH
Hauptstraße 200
26683 Saterland
Tel.: + 49 (0) 44 92 / 92 46-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 44 92 / 71 41