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Installation, Maintenance and Operation Manual V24a (June 2012)
British Telecommunications plc 2012
The following General Purpose inputs (GPIP’s) have specific purposes:
Will raise a Pin 4 alarm and trigger the RPS function on output pin 3.
When configured for BSIA Form 175 functionality, activates a response on output 1
(GPOP1) to interrogate local path fault, or raises a BSIA Form 175 Test alarm over
each signalling path.
Will raise a Pin 12 alarm for general use. Typically mapped as a tamper alarm at ARC.
Dedicated for AC fail indication, will raise a Pin 13 alarm after a delay of 7 minutes.
Alarm Panel Connection – Dial Capture
To use dial-capture, connect the alarm panels digicom line connectors to the Redcare Secure’s
Alarm Panel interface J1000.
Pins 1, 2 - Alarm Panel In
Pins 3, 4 - Unused
Pins 5, 6 - Unused
The diagram below shows the alarm panel connection.
Figure 8 - J1000 Alarm Panel connection
Note: When using the alarm panel interface port to connect to the Redcare Secure unit, there
will be a delay between the alarm panel activating the dialler notification output and the
Redcare Secure sending the message to the ARC. The length of the delay may be up to 20
seconds and varies depending on the make and model of the alarm panel. Also, if the panel
goes off-
hook but fails to dial within 10 seconds, a “Panel Dial fail” alarm will be sent.
General Purpose Outputs (GPOP’s)
Three General Purpose outputs are provided. The outputs are open collector outputs (with 12V pull-
up). The outputs are rated to 30V. The outputs are wired to J1400 as shown.
Figure 9 - J1400 General Purpose Output Pins