EN - 19
We recommend you replace the inner tube with a new one every time it is punctured
We recommend you replace the inner tube with a new one every time it is punctured
We recommend you replace the inner tube with a new one every time it is punctured
We recommend you replace the inner tube with a new one every time it is punctured....
If the tyre has a
If the tyre has a
If the tyre has a
If the tyre has a tread
tread that runs in a specific direction, you must
that runs in a specific direction, you must
that runs in a specific direction, you must
that runs in a specific direction, you must adhere
adhere to the
to the
to the
to the direction of rotation
direction of rotation
direction of rotation
direction of rotation
when re
when re
when re
when re----mounting
mounting the tyre and the wheel! The
the tyre and the wheel! The
the tyre and the wheel! The
the tyre and the wheel! The prescribed direction of rotation is usually ma
prescribed direction of rotation is usually ma
prescribed direction of rotation is usually ma
prescribed direction of rotation is usually marrrrked on
ked on
ked on
ked on
the side of the
the side of the
the side of the
the side of the tyre by an arrow, or arrow
tyre by an arrow, or arrow
tyre by an arrow, or arrow
tyre by an arrow, or arrows and the lettering ROTATION. Also check that the tyre is
s and the lettering ROTATION. Also check that the tyre is
s and the lettering ROTATION. Also check that the tyre is
s and the lettering ROTATION. Also check that the tyre is
inflated to the correct pressure (see following chapter
inflated to the correct pressure (see following chapter
inflated to the correct pressure (see following chapter
inflated to the correct pressure (see following chapter).
Check that the brakes have been adjusted co
Check that the brakes have been adjusted co
Check that the brakes have been adjusted co
Check that the brakes have been adjusted correctly and that they work correctly.
rrectly and that they work correctly.
rrectly and that they work correctly.
rrectly and that they work correctly.
Also check that the quick
Also check that the quick
Also check that the quick
Also check that the quick----release
release mechanisms
mechanisms (or screw connection
(or screw connection
(or screw connection
(or screw connections
s) are tight
) are tight
) are tight
) are tight enough
enough (see
preceding paragraph
preceding paragraph
preceding paragraph
preceding paragraph Mounting
Mounting the wheel
the wheel
the wheel
the wheel).
Tyre pressure
Tyre pressure
Tyre pressure
Tyre pressure
Tyre pressure is a very important parameter which allows the tyre to roll smoothly and ensures a long
service life. We recommend that you check the tyre pressure with a manometer when inflating the tyres.
Also pay attention to various types of valve (see the “Valve” paragraph).
The size of the tyre and the tyre pressure range are given on the side of the tyre. The maximum
permissible tyre pressure is usually specified in bar, kilopascal (kPa) or PSI. The optimum range or
minimum tyre pressure is sometimes prescribed on the tyre. See below for the conversion rate between
the different pressure units:
1 bar = 1 atmosphere = 100 kPa = 14.50377 PSI
1 PSI = 0.06894757 bar = 6.894757 kPa
1 kPa = 0.01 bar = 0.1450377 PSI
Never inflate the tyres to a pressure exceeding the maximum permissible pressure value. If the tyre is
Never inflate the tyres to a pressure exceeding the maximum permissible pressure value. If the tyre is
Never inflate the tyres to a pressure exceeding the maximum permissible pressure value. If the tyre is
Never inflate the tyres to a pressure exceeding the maximum permissible pressure value. If the tyre is
over----inflated it may
inflated it may
inflated it may
inflated it may self
destruct suddenly when you are cycling. When you use a device for
suddenly when you are cycling. When you use a device for
suddenly when you are cycling. When you use a device for
suddenly when you are cycling. When you use a device for
plying compressed air
lying compressed air
lying compressed air
lying compressed air (e.g.
(e.g.,,,, compressors at fuel stations
compressors at fuel stations
compressors at fuel stations
compressors at fuel stations), you will inflate the tyre to the required
), you will inflate the tyre to the required
), you will inflate the tyre to the required
), you will inflate the tyre to the required
pressure very quickly. This is why you should proceed very
pressure very quickly. This is why you should proceed very
pressure very quickly. This is why you should proceed very
pressure very quickly. This is why you should proceed very carefully
carefully when inflating the tyre and check
when inflating the tyre and check
when inflating the tyre and check
when inflating the tyre and check
the tyre pressure using a manometer after inflation if
the tyre pressure using a manometer after inflation if
the tyre pressure using a manometer after inflation if
the tyre pressure using a manometer after inflation if possible
Schrader valves
Schrader valves
Schrader valves
Schrader valves
are the same type of valve used on car tyres. In order to
inflate the tyre, you have to remove the valve cap and push the pump onto
the end of the valve. If you need to release air, press the middle of the
valve with your finger or an item with a sharp point.
Presta valve
Presta valve
Presta valve
Presta valves
compared to Schrader valves these valves are smaller, are
more resistant to higher inflation pressure and have a more aesthetic
appearance. In order to inflate a tyre with this valve you need to remove
the valve cap and loosen the locking screw. Before inflation, press the end
of the valve briefly, which will release some air and empty the valve. Then
push the pump onto the end of the valve and inflate the inner tube. Don’t
forget to tighten the valve locking screw back in place.
Standard (Dunlop) valve
Standard (Dunlop) valve
Standard (Dunlop) valve
Standard (Dunlop) valve
– to inflate the tyre you need to remove the valve
cap and push the pump onto the end.