EN - 14
can be compensated for on the brake lever to some degree. Loosen the connecting nut on the screw
through which the cable passes into the lever and then loosen the screw until the lever has the required
range. Then tighten the securing nut again.
Hydraulic disc brakes are equipped with a mechanism that automatically compensates for wear. To
adjust the range of movement of the lever use a small screwdriver to turn the adjustment screw located
in the case. Gas pockets can occur when braking continuously for extended periods. Release the brake
lever intermittently to avoid this. A gas pocket is a phenomenon that occurs when the fluid is heated,
when water or air bubbles in the brake system start to expand. This may cause the brake lever
resistance to fall suddenly.
Comment:::: After disassembly of the wheel, we recommend you insert a
suitable spacing insert between the brake pads (C). If a wheel is not
fitted in the fork, do not press the brake lever. If the brake lever is
pressed without a spacing insert in place, the pistons extend more than
usual. If this occurs the brake disc (A) cannot be inserted back into the
calliper (B). Contact your seller to resolve this issue.
Check the wear of the brake pads (C) regularly. If the brakes produce
noise when braking, the brake pads may be worn to the usable limit.
Wait until the brakes are cool enough and then check the thickness of
all the brake pads. If it is less than 0.5 mm do not use the bike and
contact your seller.
If the brake disc is deformed or cracked, do not use the bike and contact
your seller.
New brake discs must
New brake discs must
New brake discs must
New brake discs must be
be “bedded
in”””” before they achieve their optimum braking
before they achieve their optimum braking
before they achieve their optimum braking
before they achieve their optimum braking performance
Disc brakes heat up
isc brakes heat up
isc brakes heat up
isc brakes heat up when braking
when braking
when braking
when braking, do not touch the disc or the arms, especially
, do not touch the disc or the arms, especially
, do not touch the disc or the arms, especially
, do not touch the disc or the arms, especially immediately
immediately after
they have been used.
they have been used.
they have been used.
they have been used.
If there is no resistance when you press
If there is no resistance when you press
If there is no resistance when you press
If there is no resistance when you press the
the brake lever, immediately stop using the bike and contact
brake lever, immediately stop using the bike and contact
brake lever, immediately stop using the bike and contact
brake lever, immediately stop using the bike and contact
your seller.
your seller.
your seller.
your seller.
Only use alcohol or special products to clean the brake pads and discs.
Only use alcohol or special products to clean the brake pads and discs.
Only use alcohol or special products to clean the brake pads and discs.
Only use alcohol or special products to clean the brake pads and discs.
Leaking joints
Leaking joints
Leaking joints
Leaking joints and brake tubes worsen braking performance
and brake tubes worsen braking performance
and brake tubes worsen braking performance
and brake tubes worsen braking performance substantially
substantially. Leaking brake f
. Leaking brake f
. Leaking brake f
. Leaking brake fluid can
luid can
luid can
luid can
also harm your health and
also harm your health and
also harm your health and
also harm your health and is also
is also
is also
is also harmful
harmful to other materials and to paint.
to other materials and to paint.
to other materials and to paint.
to other materials and to paint.
All work on the disc brakes should be carried out by a
ll work on the disc brakes should be carried out by a
ll work on the disc brakes should be carried out by a
ll work on the disc brakes should be carried out by a specialist
The gear system consists of derailleurs and gear levers, or a grip shift, cable lines and a chain. The
derailleurs include springs. Only change gear when the pedals are moving forwards. Never try to change
gear when not pedalling or when pedalling backwards. Never use force to try to change gear. Never lay
the bike down on its right side, this could damage the derailleurs.
If changing gear is difficult, slow or noisy, or if the chain falls off or rubs on various parts of the bike,
adjustment is necessary.
Easy and comfortable cycling
Easy and comfortable cycling
Easy and comfortable cycling
Easy and comfortable cycling
You will enjoy cycling and your performance when you learn to cycle so that the pedalling frequency
ranges between 70 / 90 rotations/min, which is the best performance/energy output rate. To ensure
optimum pedalling frequency you have various gear modes available, which will help you find the best
rhythm under various cycling conditions.