EN - 16
The limit adjustment screws are usually identified as “H” (high) for “fast” gears and “L” (low) for “slow”
gears. “Fast” gears are gears when the chain rests on a large chainset and a small sprocket. If the
screws are not identified, their function must be verified by testing.
The aforementioned limits were adjusted before the bike was sold and should not change position
spontaneously during normal use.
Adjustment of gears
Adjustment of gears
Adjustment of gears
Adjustment of gears
Gears are adjusted by pre-tensioning the cable in the lowest position of the derailleur. The derailleur
cable is prone to stretching, which reduces accuracy during gear changes. If necessary, the cable can be
tensioned or loosened by turning the adjustment screw through which the cable passes into the gear shift
lever (or grip shift).
Adjusting the
the rear derailleur
rear derailleur
rear derailleur
rear derailleur–––– limit values
limit values
limit values
limit values
The derailleur is equipped with adjustment screws (again marked “H” and “L”), which limit the range of
movement and prevent the derailleur and chain from colliding with the wheel spokes or the chain from
falling off the smallest sprocket.
Adjustment of the upper limit
Adjustment of the upper limit
Adjustment of the upper limit
Adjustment of the upper limit
1. Change gear so that the chain rests on the smallest chainset
and the biggest sprocket.
2. Turn the regulating screw so that the guide pulley is located
directly under the biggest sprocket and cannot move any
further in the direction of the wheel spokes. Adjust the gear
cable to its pre-tensioned position using the regulating or
locking screw.
Adjustment of the lower limit
Adjustment of the lower limit
Adjustment of the lower limit
Adjustment of the lower limit
1. Change gear so that the chain rests on the biggest chainset
and the smallest sprocket.
2. Turn the regulating screw so that the guide pulley is directly
under the smallest chainset and cannot move any further in an
outwards direction towards the rear frame tubes.
The aforementioned limits were adjusted before the bike was sold and should not change position
spontaneously during normal use.
Adjustment of
Adjustment of
Adjustment of
Adjustment of gears
Gears are adjusted by pre-tensioning the cable with the derailleur positioned so that the chain rests on
the smallest sprocket. The cable is prone to stretching as in the front derailleur. If necessary, the cable
can be tensioned or loosened by turning the adjustment screw by the derailleur or by turning the
adjustment screw through which the cable passes into the gear shift lever (or grip shift). After the cable
has been tensioned correctly, check to make sure that the chain jumps easily to the next sprocket. You
need to turn the crank arms for this or check that the system is functioning correctly while cycling.