Third Party Networking
Third party communication and networking troubleshooting
should be done by or with assistance from the front end 3rd
party technician. A Module Status Report (Modstat) can be
run from the BACview
or Virtual BACview (see Table 5 to
perform). This lists information about the board status and
networking state. For basic troubleshooting, see Table 6.
For further information about third party networking contact
Bryant applications engineering.
Table 5 – Manufacture Date
When troubleshooting, you may need to know a control module’s manufacture date.
Obtain the manufacture date from a...
Module status report (modstat)
To obtain a modstat with BACview
1. Press Function (FN) key and hold.
2. Then press period (.)
3. Release both buttons.
The report shows the date under
Main board hardware
Sticker on the control board
“Serial No: ORTYMxxxxN”
(Bar Coded & Typed Number)
The serial numbers are unique and contain embedded information:
These first three digits are unique to RTU Open and are used as an identifier.
These two digits identify the last digit of the year and month (in hex, A=10/Oct)
of manufacture. “74” would represent a date of manufacture of “April 2007”.
These four digits represent the sequential number of units produced for a given
product for the mentioned manufacturing time period.
This final digit represents the decade and toggles between “N” and “M” every
ten years.
Table 6 – Basic Protocol Troubleshooting
Possible cause
Corrective action
No communication with 3rd
party vendor
Incorrect settings on SW1, SW2 and SW3
Verify and correct switch settings. Cycle
power to RTU Open after changing switch
RS485 Port has no voltage output
(check with RTU Open disconnected from RS485
communication bus):
• Bacnet @ 9600/19.2K - .01 to .045vdc
• Bacnet @ 38.4K - .06 to .09vdc
• Bacnet @ 76.8K - .1vdc
• Modbus @ 9600 - 76.8K - .124vdc
• N2 @ 9600 - .124vdc
Verify RTU Open has correct power
Possible bad driver on board.
Check RS485 bus for external voltage
before reconnecting to the bus.
Verify devices are daisy chained and repeaters and bias
terminators are correctly installed.
Check 3rd party vendor RS485
communication wiring guidelines and
troubleshooting procedures.