Input 5
- This input is a discrete input and can be
configured to be one of six different functions: No
Function, Fire Shutdown, Fan Status, Filter Status,
Remote Occupancy, or Door Contact. This input can also
be configured to be either a Normally Open (N/O) or a
Normally Closed (N/C) switch. Input 5 is factory wired to
pin J1-10. Field accessories can be wired to its parallel pin
Software Default = Fire Shutdown and N/C
Factory Default = Fire Shutdown and N/O
Input 8
- This input is a discrete input and can be
configured to be one of six different functions: No
Function, Enthalpy Switch, Fan Status, Filter Status,
Remote Occupancy, or Door Contact. This input can also
be configured to be either a Normally Open (N/O) or a
Normally Closed (N/C) switch. Input 8 is factory wired to
pin J2-6. Field accessories can be wired to its parallel pin
Software Default = Enthalpy Switch and N/O
Factory Default = No Function and N/O without factory
installed enthalpy sensor
Input 9
- This input is a discrete input and can be
configured to be one of six different functions: No
Function, Humidistat, Fan Status, Filter Status, Remote
Occupancy, or Door Contact. This input can also be
configured to be either a Normally Open (N/O) or a
Normally Closed (N/C) switch. Input 9 is factory and field
wired to pin J5-7.
Factory Default = Humidistat and N/O
Space Sensor Type
– This tells the controller what type
of space sensor is installed to run the unit. The three types
that can be used are: a standard 10k Type II thermistor
(T55), sensor with a setpoint offset slider bar (T56), or a
communicating sensor (SPT Sensor).
Range = T55, T56 (Use for T59), or SPT Sensor
Default = T55
T5x Override Duration
– Sets the override time duration
the unit will change from unoccupied to occupied when
the override button is pushed on the space sensor.
Range = 0-24 hours
Default = 1 hour
Unit Type
– This tells the control what type of unit it is
controlling. Heat/Cool refers to gas and electric heat units.
HP O/B Ctrl refers to a heat pump unit which requires
reversing valve control. HP Y1/W1 Ctrl refers to a heat
pump unit whose reversing valve is built in to the cooling
or heating call.
Factory Default = Heat/Cool for non-heat pump
units, or HP Y1/W1 Ctrl for heat pump units.
Compressor Stages
– This refers to the number of
mechanical cooling stages available on a specific unit. Set
this point to “One Stage” if there is one compressor in the
specific unit, set to “Two Stage” if there are two
compressors in the unit, and set to “None” if economizer
cooling ONLY is desired.
Factory Default = “One Stage” for 1 compressor
units, or “Two Stages” for 2 compressor units
Economizer Exists
– This tells the controller if there is an
economizer installed on the unit.
Factory Default = NO if no economizer, or YES if
there is an economizer installed
Reversing Valve Output
– Sets the heat pump’s (HP O/B
Ctrl type) reversing valve function. O output type refers to
a valve that is energized for cooling, and B output type
refers to a valve that is energized for heating. 548J and
549J heat pumps do not require O/B signals.
Default = O output type
Fan Control
- The type of fan control used on the unit.
Range = Single Speed, Two Speed,
or Variable Speed
Default = Single Speed, or Two Speed for units
with the two speed fan option
Heat Type
– Tells the controller which type of heat the unit
is capable of. Electric is any unit without gas and a Gas unit
is one which requires gas input for heating. 548J and 549J
heat pumps should be configured for Electric.
Factory Default = Electric for cooling only units
and heat pumps, or Gas for gas units.
Number of Heat Stages
– Tells the controller how many
heat stages outputs are available for use. See configuration
in Appendix A for details on specific unit configuration.
Factory Default = 1 for single heat stage units,
2 for duel stage units, or 0 for cooling only units.
RH Controls
- Enables dehumidification control if an RH
sensor is available and the unit has the Perfect Humidity
dehumidification option installed.
Range = Disable/Enable
Default = Disable
(Enabled with Perfect Humidity option)
Continuous Occupied Exhaust
– This point tells the
controller when to run the power exhaust if equipped on
the unit.
If set to YES, the power exhaust will be on all the time
when in occupied mode and will be off when in
unoccupied mode. If set to NO the power exhaust will be
controlled by the Power Exhaust Setpoint.
Default = NO
DCV Control
- Enables demand controlled ventilation
(DCV) if valid CO2 sensor value is available and the unit
has an economizer installed.
Range = Disable/Enable Default = Disable
Indoor CO
Sensor Value @ Min mA
– Sets the indoor
value when the board reads 4 mA at input 1 or 2.
Range = 0 to 9999 ppm Default = 0 ppm
Indoor CO
Sensor Value @ Max mA
– Sets the indoor
value when the board reads 20 mA at input 1 or 2.
Range = 0 to 9999 ppm Default = 2000 ppm
Outdoor CO
Sensor Value @ Min mA
– Sets the outdoor
value when the board reads 4 mA at input 1 or 2.
Range = 0 to 9999 ppm Default = 0 ppm
Outdoor CO
Sensor Value @ Max mA
– Sets the outdoor
value when the board reads 20 mA at input 1 or 2.
Range = 0 to 9999 ppm Default = 2000 ppm
: The indoor and outdoor min and max mA setting
are used to set the linear curve of mA vs. PPM.