There are other times when this will occur;
1. Anytime the temperature is changed.
2. After a filtering cycle.
3. When a preset is selected and the oil
temperature is not at the preset tem-
In any of these cases when the oil tempera-
ture reaches the set temperature the box
turns green indicating the oil is up to the set
The temperature shown in this box can be
either the “Set” temperature or the “Actual”
temperature as indicated above the ther-
mometer. To change from one to the other
press and hold anywhere in the box for 3
seconds. An alert will sound when you
press the box and a second alert will sound
when the change is made.
To set the temperature, press the tempera-
ture box twice and a keypad will appear.
Enter the temperature for the product you
want to cook, as you enter the temperature,
it will appear above the keypad. To save this
temperature press the enter key.
There are 2 “Select Preset” boxes.
All of the Broaster Company Products are
preloaded into the memory of the control
and can be selected when you want to
cook that product. The cook time and cook
temperature for that product will be auto-
matically entered in the Time and Tempera-
ture displays.
To select a product, press either preset box
and a menu of the products will be dis-
played. Tap the product you wish to select.
Select Preset
If the wrong product comes up, don’t worry!
Tap the preset box again and the menu will
When the item has been selected a picture
of the item will appear in the left box and a
description of the item will appear in the
right box. When a cook cycle is started the
left box turns yellow and the time remaining
in the cycle is displayed. The picture moves
to the right box.
If the menu item to be cooked uses a differ-
ent temperature the temperature box will
either remain green meaning it is all right to
start a cook cycle or it will turn yellow
meaning the temperature is too low to start
a load. Wait to start a cook cycle until the
temperature is green.
When the temperature is green. Load the
product as recommended and move the
small handle on the top of the fryer from
open to close. This will start the cycle timer
counting down. When the load is done an
alert will signal that the cooking cycle is
Cycles Since Last Filtered:
It is recommended the oil should be filtered
every 5 loads.
This box indicates how many cook cycles
have been done since the last time the oil
was filtered. It is active and can be pressed
at any time to go to the filter display except
during a cooking cycle. Once you reach a
preset number of cycles, you will be shown
a filter options screen. If a filter cycle is
bypassed the next cycle will turn red and
start flashing.
This number can be changed and the pro-
cedure will be explained in the Setup Tab
Cycles Since Last Filtered
broaster.com Manual #15459 5/02 Rev: 6/16