Treadwall M6 Pro-V Owner’s Manual—2018
Operating Instructions
Installing the climbing holds—Route Setting!
Placing the climbing holds onto your Treadwall is called route setting, and the individual
climbs you set up are called routes. On our website at
can download, adapt, and even create routes to use and share with others.
The standard set of Treadwall climbing holds comes with 40 holds. There are 13 easy green
holds, 14 orange medium difficulty holds, and 13 red holds for the advanced user. You can set
individual routes by only using hold of a given color, or you can set up the entire wall and label
individual routes with colored pieces of tape.
If you want to try your own hand at route setting one of the most fun ways to start is to place
holds almost randomly with one hold per panel. Alternate the color of the holds as you move
from panel to panel. Then, try climbing a single color. If you find any move too difficult just
move a nearby hold of that color to make the climb feel as hard or as easy as you like.
Climbing Hold Rules
There are 2 important rules to remember
when purchasing and attaching holds for
your Treadwall.
Holds can not be more than 2.5” tall
this is the projection from the
climbing surface.
Holds can not overlap two panels
the panels must be free to come
apart and together as they rotate
around the Treadwall.
Assemble holds with a 3/8 bolt and
a 5/16” Allen wrench