climbing panel
stiffy bolt
Install stiffies
Each panel has a metal stiffener that must be
mounted on the back (smooth side) before
installing the panel onto the Treadwall.
Place the panel face down on a piece of
cardboard, line up the stiffy, and press it into
place - stepping on it with your foot if
A short round-head "stiffy bolt" is screwed
firmly into the middle hole (the one without a
smooth "island") from the front of the panel as
shown to hold the stiffy in place.
Install panels
The best tools to use for installing panels: A battery powered electric drill with a #2
phillips bit and a socket wrench with a 3/8" socket. Do not overtighten the screws. If
your drill has a clutch, use a low setting so that the head of the screw seats down but
does not dig into the panel.
Notice the plastic wear buttons in the corners of the panel. The buttons in the front of
the panel should always be at the TOP corners of the panel.
The panels come with white buttons and black buttons. ALTERNATE between white
and black as you put the panels on. This alternates the pattern of the holes from side
to side in the panels and allows more flexibility in the final pattern of climbing holds
on the Treadwall.
Install the first panel:
Tilt it to fit it into the channels. Turn it down level, and bolt each end onto the chain
with the small screws and nyloc nuts.
Pull down on the chains to rotate this first panel completely around the circuit. As it
passes the lower shaft, adjust the sliding sprocket to the proper width so that the
panel passes easily without binding.
Page 14
M6-V install 1-15-16
Brewer's Ledge Inc.
Treadwall - Panel mounting nuts
Treadwall - Panel mounting bolts
Treadwall - Stiffener Bolts