Mount the counter-timer on the right channel - four small holes
below the speed control - with screws and nuts.
Bring the wire from the top of the right A-frame through the
grommet near the top of the right channel and down through the
wire clips. Inside, about a foot below the grommet, plug it into
the channel wire.
Bring the counter-timer power wire through the grommet hole
beneath the timer mounting screws and plug it into the counter
There is a magnetic sensor for the counter-timer that mounts at
the top of the channel and the wire comes down through wire
clips to the same grommet . Bring that wire through the
grommet and plug it in as well.
Page 11
M6-V install 1-15-16
Brewer's Ledge Inc.
MAGNETS: There are three magnets packed
with the counter-timer that must be placed
on the upper shaft, just to the right of the
small sprocket. The positions of the magnets
are marked on the shaft. Place them on the
marks, flat side down, and they will stay on
by magnetic attraction.
The sensor which is mounted just below the
shaft on the inside of the channel should be
adjusted so that the magnets pass about
1/8" above the sensor.