100-214-276 Rev. 3
Chapter 5: Technical Specifications
Physical Description
S-Beam Load Cell and Dynamic Follow Through
The S-Beam Load Cell measures the force being applied to the part to trigger ultrasonics and
record the welding parameters. The S-Beam Load Cell assembly ensures that pressure is applied
to the part prior to the application of ultrasonic energy.
To maintain horn-to-part contact and force as the joint collapses, the S-Beam Load Cell assem-
bly provides dynamic follow-through. As the plastic melts, the S-Beam Load Cell assembly
ensures smooth transmission of ultrasonic energy into the part.
Linear Encoder
The encoder measures the distance the horn has travelled. Depending on the power supply set-
tings, it can:
• Allow for distance welding
• Detect improper setup controls
• Monitor the quality of the weld
• Decrease cycle time by generating signal to initiate indexing of material handling equipment
before horn is fully retracted
DOC EXPIRES 12PM 7/24/2012. Article or Material must comply with the requirements
stipulated by RoHS in its current version