100-214-276 Rev. 3
Chapter 2: Introduction to the 2000X aed Actuator
Glossary of Terms
Reject Limits:
User-definable limits at which the violating cycle is identified as having pro-
duced a bad part.
State used with limits indicating that a reset will be required when the limit is
exceeded. The reset is accomplished by using the reset key on the front of the Power Supply.
Reset Required:
State used with limits indicating that a reset will be required when the limit is
exceeded. The reset is accomplished by using the reset key on the front of the Power Supply.
Run Screen:
The screen showing weld status, alarms, weld count, and process information.
Available using a front-panel button on the Power Supply.
Save Preset:
Stores a programmed set of weld parameters as a Preset.
Scrub Time:
In Ground Detect mode, the amount of time after detection of a ground condition
before the termination of ultrasonics, and end of the cycle.
The activation of ultrasonics at a low-level (5%) amplitude, for the purpose of finding the
resonant frequency of the Stack.
Serial Port:
A RS232 port provided to you for external data communications.
Step @ Energy:
User-definable point at which AmpA is changed to AmpB.
Step @ Ext Sig:
Allows you to shift either force or amplitude based upon an external signal.
Step @ Power:
User-definable point at which AmpA is changed to AmpB.
Step @ Time:
User-definable point at which AmpA is changed to AmpB.
Suspect Limits:
User-definable limits at which the resultant weld in a welding cycle is identi-
fied as potentially bad (suspect).
Test Scale:
The magnification of the power bar on the front panel of the Power Supply, useful
for lower-power applications that want a more accurate (but smaller) scale.
Time Mode:
Terminates the ultrasonics at a user-specified time.
A time at which the ultrasonic energy terminates if the main control parameter has not
been reached.
Trigger Beeper:
An audible signal sounded when the trigger force has been met, and the trigger
switch is made.
Trig Delay:
Trigger Delay. A user-programmable time delay between engagement of the trigger
switch and start of ultrasonics and ramping of force to the weld force.
User-defined Limits:
for process resultants, where - is the user-defined lower limit, and + is the
user defined upper limit:
-/+ S/R Energy: The energy reached during the weld.
-/+ S/R Freq: The peak frequency reached during a weld.
-/+ S/R Power: The peak power as a percentage of the maximum reached during the weld.
-/+ S/R Abs D: The absolute distance reached during the weld from the Upper Limit
-/+ S/R Col D: The collapse distance reached from trigger to end of weld.
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