2 5 Sensor Installation Guidelines
2 5 Sensor Installation Guidelines
Proper sensor installation can eliminate many problems in a control system. The
probe should be placed so that it can detect any temperature change with
minimal thermal lag. In a process that requires fairly constant heat output, the
probe should be placed closed to the heater. In a process where the heat
d e m a n d i s v a r i a b l e , t h e p r o b e s h o u l d b e c l o s e d t o t h e w o r k a r e a . S o m e
experiments with probe location are often required to find this optimum position.
In a liquid process, addition of a stirrer will help to eliminate thermal lag. Since
the thermocouple is basically a point measuring device, placing more than one
thermocouple in parallel can provide an average temperature readout and
produce better results in most air heated processes.
P r o p e r s e n s o r t y p e i s a l s o a v e r y i m p o r t a n t f a c t o r t o o b t a i n p r e c i s e
measurements. The sensor must have the correct temperature range to meet
the process requirements. In special processes the sensor might need to have
different requirements such as leak-proof, anti-vibration, antiseptic, etc.
Standard sensor limits of error are
4degrees F (
2degrees C ) or 0.75% of
sensed temperature (half that for special ) plus drift caused by improper
protection or an over-temperature occurrence. This error is far greater than
controller error and cannot be corrected on the sensor except by proper
selection and replacement.
Proper sensor installation can eliminate many problems in a control system. The
probe should be placed so that it can detect any temperature change with
minimal thermal lag. In a process that requires fairly constant heat output, the
probe should be placed closed to the heater. In a process where the heat
d e m a n d i s v a r i a b l e , t h e p r o b e s h o u l d b e c l o s e d t o t h e w o r k a r e a . S o m e
experiments with probe location are often required to find this optimum position.
In a liquid process, addition of a stirrer will help to eliminate thermal lag. Since
the thermocouple is basically a point measuring device, placing more than one
thermocouple in parallel can provide an average temperature readout and
produce better results in most air heated processes.
P r o p e r s e n s o r t y p e i s a l s o a v e r y i m p o r t a n t f a c t o r t o o b t a i n p r e c i s e
measurements. The sensor must have the correct temperature range to meet
the process requirements. In special processes the sensor might need to have
different requirements such as leak-proof, anti-vibration, antiseptic, etc.
Standard sensor limits of error are
4degrees F (
2degrees C ) or 0.75% of
sensed temperature (half that for special ) plus drift caused by improper
protection or an over-temperature occurrence. This error is far greater than
controller error and cannot be corrected on the sensor except by proper
selection and replacement.