PC Elite Reference
Unauthorised copying of Pro-488 is a crime!
Although public domain programs allow unlimited copying,
and much commercial software allows copying provided the
program purchased is only in use on only one machine at a
time, many programs specifically forbid copying of
proprietary material. The copyright laws of most countries
forbid unauthorised copying of computer programs without
the authors permission. Thus you will be committing a crime
when unlawfully copying programs from one machine to
another, and so will be liable to arrest.
Software authors, like the author of Pro-488, earn their
living from revenue due to sales of their programs, it is
legally and morally wrong to steal their income by misuse of
a computers copy routines. In these circumstances you
should buy extra copies of the program.
Don’t make yourself in to a thief! Moral debilitation will
result from habitually committing these crimes. You have
been warned.!
Licences allowing multiple copies of Pro-488 are available
from your supplier!