Technical Details
PC Elite Reference
This chapter describes the technical details of the PC Elite
IEEE interface. In particular the NEC 7210 Intelligent GPIB
interface controller chip is described. This information is only of
use to people who are dedicated to understanding everything in
their computer or for those writing IEEE i/o routines at the
assembler level. It is of no concern to the average or more than
average user, who will be accessing the card via Professional
488, Labtech NoteBook or Lotus Measure etc.
The PC Elite card is totally consistent with all electrical,
mechanical and functional specifications of the IEEE 488 and
ANSI MC1.1 standards. The PC Elite card is compatible with all
revisions of the IEEE 488 standard, including 1975, 1978 and
IEEE 488A-1980 supplement. It is also compatible with the
latest IEEE 488.1-1987 and IEEE 488.2-1992 standards.
PC Elite is also totally consistent with the electrical and
functional specifications of the IEC 625-1 and BS6146 standards,
a simple mechanical adapter is available to interconnect the PC
Elite with IEC 625 devices.
Hardware Specification.
The PC-ELITE IEEE interface based upon the NEC 7210
controller chip. Its IEEE performance is therefore greatly
dependent on the 7210 chip implementation. The computer
Chapter 3