PCI 1 Port RS422/485
Serial Solutions
Chapter 1 Page 7
Accessible from all DOS languages, it is the heart
of the Serial Solution.
It has extensive handshaking support,
implementing both hardware handshaking using
any combination of the DTR, DSR, CTS, RTS,
and DCD lines, and a software handshake using
the XON/XOFF protocol.
NewCOM24.sys A device driver providing support for 24 ports.
NewCOM32.sys A device driver providing support for 32 ports.
A replacement for the DOS 'mode com...'
command. NewMode is used to set the serial
parameters, including the port address, IRQ line
used, the baud rate, parity and data and stop bit
options. Baud rates supported are from 110 baud
to 115,200 baud! Included is a very handy query
mode that reports the settings of the various serial
ports. Flexible and fast!
programs. The EASY disk contains short, simple to
understand and use EASYBAS, EASYC and
ASYPAS programs, providing straight forward,
file type I/O to serial ports with debug
information. Use these FIRST, base your sample
applications on them. Source code, make files and
compiled ready to run programs supplied.
TERM programs A suite of larger terminal emulation programs
written in C (Cterm), Assembly language
(Aterm), Pascal (Pasterm), BASIC (BASterm)
and FORTRAN (FORterm) show how to access
the NEWBIOS routines as well as the simple file
I/O to ports. They contain many lines of code and
are thus harder to grasp. They demonstrate in
depth serial port programming in a variety of
languages but they are also useful tools for using
serial devices.
Comtest is a short but invaluable program that is
used to check that the serial port at a particular I/O
address is functioning correctly and is connected to