Edit Fields 55
Edit Fields
Setup uses overwrite mode in text editing fields. That is, the cursor keys cannot be
used to move to a location in the text to insert characters. Upon entry to a text field,
the cursor is placed at the last text location. Use the following keystrokes:
– move cursor left by deleting that character.
– reset the field to its default value.
Alphanumeric keys
– enter text in the normal, shifted, or control state. To generate
a control character (00h-1Fh) add 40h and use Ctrl with the character in the new
position (40h-5Fh). For example, to insert CR-LF (0Dh, 0Ah) codes, press
Ctrl-M, Ctrl-J (4Dh, 4Ah). The compose and meta functions can also be used to
generate 8-bit characters.
Glossary of Terms
Some of the terms that are used in the Exec (PrtSc) menu are defined below.
Page Reset
Page resets are executed when the session or terminal is reset or defaulted. When a page
reset is performed, it affects all pages, and the following events occur: the page is
erased, the cursor is homed, and scrolling regions are defaulted. All line attributes (such
as double-high/wide, locked lines) are reset to normal. Split screens are cleared to a
normal, single screen and protect mode is turned off.
Terminal Parameters
Terminal parameters includes session parameters (defined later) and non-session
parameters that affect the terminal globally without regard to the session. The
non-session parameters and their defaults are listed below:
Setup Parameters:
Bell Volume (6), Screen Saver (5 min), Overscan Borders
(on), Language (U.S.), Keyclick (on), EIA(Aux) Baud Rate (9600), EIA (Aux)
Data Format (8/1/N), EIA (Aux) Parity Check (off), EIA(Aux) Rcv Prtcl
(Xon-Xoff/XPC), EIA (Aux) Xmit Prtcl (none), EIA (Aux) Break (250 ms),
EIA (Aux) Xmit Pace (baud), EIA (Aux) Disconnect (2 sec), EIA (Aux)
Modem Control (off), Session Display (full), Emulation Display (full), Refresh
Rate (70 Hz), Bright Video (off), Enhanced Attributes (on), Setup Language
(U.S.), Sessions (1), Caps Lock (Toggle), Num Lock (Toggle), Key Repeat (On),
Speed (fast).
Desk Accessory Parameters:
Clock Display (off), Clock Type (12 hour), Clock
Location (column 48), Date, Time (not saved) , Alarm Time (12 PM), Tone
(alarm/hourly), Calculator (printer off, tape on), and the row and column in
which each accessory is displayed.
Session Parameters
Session Parameters are parameters that are specific to the emulation selected in the
current session. These include three types of parameters: Setup-Edit keys, Setup, and
Setup-Edit Keys:
Function and Edit keys and the Answerback message.