Bosch Security Systems | 11/05 | BLCC110I
Section 12
Programming Examples
This section includes a number of programming examples
detailling how to implement some common installation
Examples are provided to show;
How to Open a Garage Door using a Single Digit Code.
How to Open a Garage Door using a 4 Button Keyfob.
How to set Auto Arming for an Area.
How to operate an Output using a Schedule
How to Use a Reader to Unlock a Door.
How to Use a Reader to Unlock a Door and Disarm Area 1.
How to Use a Reader to Unlock a Door and Arm/Disarm.
How to use Call Line Identification.
How to send SMS Reports.
Opening a Door using a Single Digit Code
The Solution 64 can be used to operate an electrically
controlled door using a single digit code. The example assumes
User 10 and Output 5 are being used. (Output 5 is located on
the CM110 Output Expander).
Set User Pin Code Length MENU 1-5-0 = 0
(0 = Variable Length)
Set User 10 - PIN Code MENU 1-1-2 = 5
Set User 10 - Area Assignment MENU 1-4-1 = NNNNNNNN
Set Output 5 - Event Type MENU 4-1-1 = 56
(56 = Follow Pin)
Set Output 5 - Event Assignment MENU 4-1-2 = 10
(10 =User Number)
Set Output 5 - Output Polarity MENU 4-1-3 = 4
(4 = Normally Open One Shot Low)
Set Output 5 - Time Parameter MENU 4-1-4 = 000 000 005 000
(5 seconds)
Enable Output 5 - Output Options MENU 4-1-5 = Display Status
Wire Output 5 to the appropriate Door Controller input. Each
time button 5 on the keypad is pressed the door will activate.
Opening a Garage Door Using a 4 Button RF Keyfob
The following example show how to configure the Solution
64 to allow control of a grage door as well as arm and disarm
functions using a 4 Button Keyfob. The example assumes User
10 and Output 5 are being used. (Output 5 is located on the
CM110 Output Expander).
Set RF Receiver Type MENU 3-5-0 = D
(D = DS Type)
Assign Keyfob to User 10 MENU 1-3-0 = 123456789
Set Output 5 - Event Type MENU 4-1-1 = 53
(53 = RF Keyfob Function 1)
Set Output 5 - Event Assignment MENU 4-1-2 = 1
(1 =Area Number)
Set Output 5 - Output Polarity MENU 4-1-3 = 4
(4 =Normally Open One Shot Low)
Set Output 5 - Time Parameter MENU 4-1-4 = 000 000 005 000
(5 seconds)
Enable Output 5 - Output Options MENU 4-1-5 = Display Status
Auto Arming an Area
The Solution panel can be configured to automatically arm and
or disarm an area automatically if required.
To setup an Auto Arming time, select a schedule that is not
being used, and program the schedule name to something
convenient. Set the start time for the schedule to the arming
time you require. The stop time should be set to 12:00am or --:-
-am, which prevents the system from auto disarming.
Now set the Schedule Function, MENU 7-5-3 to Area On/Off
and the Schedule Index, MENU 7-5-4 to correspond to the area
to operate. If an index of 0 is used then arming will occur for all
areas. Finally select the days of the week you wish auto arming
to occur in MENU7-5-2