The left side of screen is to set up the valves configuration.
There are eight anti-ice modes. Only closed loop modes can be “Auto nulled”.
--- Manual Mode
This mode allows the driver to manually control the application rate. Each setting on the Conveyor Dial is a
percentage of maximum null setting. There are 9 configurable application rate settings. The display will show
“M” beside material name on the operation screen.
--- Ground speed dependent manual
In addition to manual mode operation, this mode will utilize ground speed to determine whether to output or not.
With no ground speed, there is no output.
--- 1 boom open loop
This mode utilizes the ground speed sensor only to regulate the amount of material that will be dispensed off the
vehicle. There are 9 configurable application rate settings available. The display will show “O” on the screen.
This is just for a single output.
--- 1 boom closed loop
This mode utilizes both the flow meter and ground speed sensors to regulate the amount of material that will be
dispensed off the vehicle. There are 9 configurable application rate settings available. The display will show “C”
on the screen. This is just for a single output.
--- 3 boom Manual Mode
This mode allows the driver to manually control the application rate. Each setting on the Conveyor Dial is a
percentage of maximum null setting. There are 9 configurable application rate settings. The display will show
“M” beside material name on the operation screen. This mode will allow the operator selection of any
combination of three outputs.
--- 3 boom ground speed dependent manual
This mode will utilize ground speed to determine whether to output or not. With no ground speed, there is no
output. This mode will allow the operator selection of any combination of three outputs.
--- 3 boom open loop
RECIR: 90%