Applications Manual Bosch Geothermal Heat Pumps
| 45
Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.
Data subject to change
6.7 Geothermal Standing Column System
A standing column well bridges the gap between an open-
loop and a closed-loop geothermal heat pump system
(Fig. 29). This type of system is simply a vertical re-
circulating water- lled bedrock borehole. Heat exchange
occurs when water is removed from the bottom of the
borehole and returned to the top. Removal of small
amounts of water from the domestic groundwater well
greatly enhances the heat transfer.
Typically, standing column wells are 250 to 500 feet deep,
but can be deeper.
Heat transfer occurs via conductive processes, meaning
the heat energy is moving through the rock, molecule
by molecule. Heat transfer also occurs via advective
processes, meaning water in moving through rock
fractures and changing the rock temperature. And nally,
convective heat transfer occurs as heat energy and water
mix, typically at the surface of and within the borehole.
Fig. 29 Standing column system