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Bosch Geothermal Heat Pumps
Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.
Data subject to change
Applications Manual
On January 1, 2000, the AHRI adopted the ISO standard
as the basis for its certi cation programs (Fig. 15). The
standard developed by the American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE),
Standard 90.1 (1999), referenced both the AHRI standard
and the ISO standard until October 29, 2001, when the
ISO standard was designated as the exclusive standard on
that date.
ISO 13256-1-1998 serves as the basis for AHRI's Water-
Source Heat Pump Certi cation Program. The standard
establishes rating criteria and procedures for measuring
and certifying water-to-air heat pump and/or brine-to-air
heat pump equipment performance. In this way, products
are rated on a uniform basis so that buyers and users can
properly make selections for speci c applications.
Today, all manufacturers, including Bosch, have their
water-to-air geothermal heat pumps tested and certi ed
by a combination of the Air Conditioning, Heating, and
Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) for their cooling capacities
and their operating ef ciencies, and the ISO 13256-1
standards (Fig. 15). In general, water-to-air geothermal
heat pumps are rated based on one of the four standards
by the AHRI (Table 1). These standards are ARI-320 (ARI/
ISO 13256-1 Water-Source Heat Pumps), ARI-325 (ARI/
ISO 13256-1 Groundwater-Source Heat Pumps), ARI-330
(ARI/ISO 13256-1 Ground-Source Heat Pumps), and ARI-
870 (Direct Geoexchange Heat Pumps). Notice that the
reference to the particular AHRI standard also includes the
ISO standard as well.
For water-source heat pumps (the type of heat pump used
in all water-to-air geothermal heat pump systems), cooling
performance is de ned by an index called EER (Energy
Ef ciency Ratio). This is the cooling effect produced by the
unit (in Btu/hr) divided by the electrical input (in watts)
resulting in units of Btu/watt-hr.
Heating performance is de ned by the index called COP
(Coef cient of Performance). This is the heating effect
produced by the unit (in Btu/hr) divided by the energy
equivalent of the electrical input (in Btu/hr) resulting in a
dimensionless (no units) value.
For both COP and EER, the larger the numerical value, the
less electricity required to operate it.
Both the COP and EER values for water-to-air geothermal
heat pumps are single point (valid only at the speci c test
conditions used in the rating) values only. This in contrast
to the seasonal values (HSPF and SEER) published for
air-source heat pump equipment. COP and EER are not
the same as, or valid for use in comparison to, SEER and
Fig. 15 Certi cation logos