Applications Manual Bosch Geothermal Heat Pumps
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Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.
Data subject to change
pump is equipped with an exclusive sound package. These
particular Bosch units come equipped with a variable
speed Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM) that is
factory programmed to vary the air ow based on full or
part load compressor operation, resulting in additional
energy savings and a greater level of comfort in living
areas. These units are also equipped with a Motor Control
Interface Board (MCI) providing un-paralleled blower
control and a MERV 11 2-inch air lter. In addition, these
units come equipped with a Comfort Alert Diagnostics
module to improve serviceability and reduce maintenance
compared to systems without this feature.
The Bosch Net Zero Home’s geothermal system design
includes (Fig. 154):
Unit: Bosch 3-ton heat pump
Numbers of ground loops: 5
Loop design: Vertical closed loop
Average loop depth: 250 feet
Number of zones: 2
Thermostat: Bosch programmable
Fig. 154 Serenbe Geothermal System Design
Additionally, eighteen (18) Bosch rooftop solar
photovoltaic (PV) panels (Fig. 155) generate electricity to
power the Bosch Net Zero Energy Home, while a Bosch
Compress heat pump water heater further utilizes energy
ef cient heat pump technology for domestic hot water
The home generates electricity by using a Bosch Solar
Photovoltaic System. The Bosch PV system includes
all necessary components, such as modules, inverters
and mounting, and is connected to the power grid,
converting direct current (DC) generated from sunlight
into alternating current (AC). The system creates
electricity during the daytime to power the home and
feeds any excess energy into the grid of GreyStone Power
Corporation. If the energy generated is less than the
demand, the additional required electricity is pulled from
the grid. Over a year under ideal conditions, the home’s
energy usage is forecasted to net out at zero, meaning that
the home will supply as much energy as it uses. The Bosch
PV system includes the solar panels and an inverter that
are wired together to convert the direct current generated
from sunlight into alternating current used in the home on
the power grid.
Fig. 155 Bosch rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) panels
The Bosch photovoltaic system can endure extreme
weather conditions such as rain, snow, storms and
hail. The system is long lasting and represents a good
investment for homeowners. The PV system also makes
an important contribution to the environmentally friendly
energy supply.
The Bosch electric heat pump water heater (Fig. 156) uses
the heat and humidity from the surrounding air to heat
your domestic hot water. The heat pump water heater is
twice as effective compared to a traditional tank water
heater, leading up to 60% savings in water heating costs.
As an extra bene t, the heat pump water heater also cools
and dehumidi es the air in the home.
Fig. 156 Bosch electric heat pump water heater