10 | Display Configuration
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Bosch Motorsport
The ‚create/edit condition combination‘ window appears.
Create/Edit Condition Window
Define the condition combination using the following configuration possibilities:
a) Enter the name of the condition combination.
b) Create the condition combination in the window.
Choose a channel (condition, conditional function, math, measurement channel with
binary values) to be compared.
Combine multiple conditions by adding ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ relations.
To negate a condition, right-click on the condition and select ‘Negation (!)’.
Combine several (up to 16) conditions.
Click ‘Next’ to got to the next page.
Choose the output setting of the result.
Constant TRUE/FALSE: Result is as a constant with the value TRUE or FALSE.
Blinking: Result is a blinking if the condition is fulfilled.
Pulse: Result is a short one-time pulse if the condition is fulfilled.
Toggling output: Result is a pulse that lasts until the next condition is fulfilled.
Click ‘Finish’ when done.
The conditional combination is displayed in the DDU 9 condition channel window.
10.7 CPU Load Limits
As all microprocessors, the DDU 9’s processor has limited capacities. The current load of
the processor can be monitored using the channel “cpu_load”. When configuring your
device, please make sure the used CPU load is in a save range below 100 %.
Bosch recommends a maximum CPU load of 85 % (averaged). Exceeding this limit might
result in DDU 9 not being able to fulfill its required measuring/logging/display tasks or
even in the DDU 9 crashing and rebooting.
Main factors influencing the CPU load are:
– Number and complexity of math channels
– Number and complexity of conditions
– CAN traffic on both CAN lines
– Display configuration, especially displaying pictures