Display Configuration | 10
Bosch Motorsport
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Configuring a numeric display element
Double-click on the numeric display element. The Numeric Wizard window opens.
a) Enter the title displayed on top of the numeric display element.
b) Enter the text displayed in the middle of the numeric display element.
The variable <channel value> displays the value of the measurement channel.
c) Choose he measurement channel.
d) Choose the type of input data: Value, Gear, Time (in different formats)
e) Enter the number of decimal places of the measurement channel.
f) Choose the font size, alignment, borderstyle, background and foreground color of the numeric display element.
g) Click the Extended button to show further options to change the color of the title, border and text individually.
Click ‘OK’ when done.
10.2.2 Bargraph display element
Bargraph display element
Drag the ‘Bargraph’ display element from the Toolbox and drop it on the display page.
Configuring a ‘Bargraph’ display element
Double-click on the ‘Bargraph’ display element. The Bargraph Wizard window opens.