Lap Trigger | 15
Bosch Motorsport
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Two types of trigger signal:
– Main trigger (end‐of‐lap at start/finish line)
– Sub‐trigger (segment time, optional, not applicable with GPS lap trigger)
Bosch standard:
– Main trigger 20 ms, low active (Recommendation for RaceCon “Detecion Time” set-
ting: 15 ms, Setting must be a slightly shorter period than the signal length of the
trigger to avoid a missed trigger due to the update rate)
– Sub trigger 40 ms, low active (Recommendation for RaceCon “Detecion Time” setting:
30 ms)
15.1.2 Prevention of false triggers
– Race track topology and transmitter location frequently cause false triggers.
– Software functionality prevents acceptance of false triggers.
– Minimum vehicle speed for acceptance of trigger prevents false triggers while vehicle
is stationary in the pits.
– Time based re-trigger protection prevents false triggers due to signal reflections on
main straight.
– Lap distance based retrigger protection prevents false triggers due to track topology.
15.1.3 Forced triggers
Lap distance based insertion of ‘forced trigger’.
Under race conditions, trigger signals are sometimes missed. Software functionality intro-
duces ‘forced trigger’.
15.1.4 Setting up a lap trigger
Click ‘Measurement Sources’ in Toolbox.
Drag ‘Laptrigger’ into ‘System Overview’. Do not drop it on ‘DDU 9’!