Recording | 14
Bosch Motorsport
111 / 148
Recording properties
Drag measurement
channels into group
To edit channel’s settings, mark the channel(s) and click ‘Edit Channel’. An ‘Edit Re-
cording Channels’ window opens.
List of channels
Recording rate
1 ms ... 1 s
Condition to switch
between fast/slow rate
Recording rate if
condition is 'true'
Settings for long
range telemetry
(only if telemetry
unit is available)
Click ‘OK’ when done.
If no condition is defined or condition is ‘false’, measurement chan-
nels are recorded at the value chosen in ‘Rate’.
If the condition is ‘true’, measurement channels are recorded at the value chosen in ‘True
Using fast block/slow block transmission
DDU 9 telemetry uses available bandwidth of Telemetry Unit FM 40 (19,200 baud -> ap-
prox. 1,700 bytes/s). The bandwidth has to be divided into channel information to be
transmitted high-frequently and low-frequently using the ‘fast/ slow block’ setting.
Channels are grouped into 8 blocks which are transferred each cycle:
– Fast block (Block 1) is transferred every cycle and used for a high-frequent transmis-
sion of channel information (e.g. speed, rpm).
– Slow blocks (Block 2…n) are transferred every n-th cycle and used for a low-frequent
transmission of channel information (e.g. tire pressure, oil temperature).