4 | Error Memory
12 / 148
Bosch Motorsport
– 0 (FALSE) Error is inactive: error was not detected in most recent diagnostic run,
however the error has not been cleared from the memory by the user and re-
mains in the non‐volatile memory
The aforementioned channels (error_active_rotate, error_location_rotate, error_type_ro-
tate) are device specific properties (e.g. C 60) and are not related to the complete Race-
Con project (e.g. “error no. 3 from the error memory”). Therefore, only one property label
is available in each device. The errors from the error memory (possibly more than one er-
ror possible per device) share these three labels. The labels cycle through the errors cur-
rently present in the memory and represent the respective property of each error period-
The following screenshot shows error properties, which can be displayed or logged:
Labels hold information
on error 1 (an ANA3 error)
Labels hold information
on error 2 ... n-1
Labels hold information
on error n (a CAN error)
After the last error and its error properties have been displayed, the labels will start again
with the first error in the error memory stack and its error properties will be displayed
again. Therefore, monitoring these labels over a sufficiently long period provides the in-
formation on all individual errors in the error memory.
To understand this behavior, it is recommended to observe the three labels in a measure-
ment sheet (while more than one error is active) and watch the values change periodically:
The verbal representation of the numerical codes of these labels can be visualized in the
properties window of the measurement page: